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Technical Writers

How to contribute to the Celo community documentation.

Who are Celo technical writers?

Technical writers support the Celo community by educating developers about Celo through engaging, informative, and insightful documentation.

How to Contribute

Edit an existing page

To edit an existing page in the documentation, create a fork of the repo, commit your edits and submit a PR.

  • Go to the page in the docs
  • Click “Edit this page” at the bottom of the page
  • Edit the page directly on GitHub
  • Describe the edit in the commit
  • Select “Create a new branch and start a pull request”
  • Describe changes in the Pull Request (PR)
  • Select “critesjosh” as a reviewer
  • Changes must be approved and pass all of the site build checks before being merged.

Add/remove pages

To add a new page to the documentation, create a fork, add the new pages and update the table of contents file to include your new pages in the appropriate location and submit a PR.

  • Add or delete pages directly in Github
  • Put new pages where you think makes the most sense, we can move them later
  • Create a PR to have your changes added to the live version of the site
  • Update the file called “sidebars.js” in the main folder
  • This file contains the site layout that you see on the left side of the docs site
  • Add or remove the appropriate files from the list

For questions, comments, and discussions please use the Celo Forum or Discord.