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Network Details

Overview of Celo Mainnet, Alfajores L2 Testnet and Baklava Testnet.

Celo Mainnet

Network NameCelo Mainnet
DescriptionThe production Celo network
Chain ID42220
Currency SymbolCELO
RPC Nodes
RPC Endpoint (best effort)
Note to developers: Forno is rate limited, as your usage increases consider options that can provide the desired level of support (SLA).
Block Explorers
Validator Explorer

Celo Alfajores L2 Testnet

Network NameCelo Alfajores
DescriptionThe Developer Testnet network
Currency SymbolCELO
Chain ID44787
RPC Nodes
RPC Endpoint (best effort)
Block Explorer
Bridge Link

Note: Ensure you enable Testnet in settings

Faucet Link

For large Faucet requests you can apply here.


Your use of the Alfajores Testnet is subject to the Alfajores Testnet Disclaimer.

Celo Baklava Testnet

Network NameBaklava
DescriptionThe Node Operator Testnet network
Currency SymbolCELO
Chain ID62320
RPC Endpoint (best effort
Block Explorer
Bridge Link

Note: Ensure you enable Testnet in settings

Faucet Request Form

The Baklava Testnet is a non-production Testnet for the Validator community.

It serves several purposes:

  • Operational excellence: Build familiarity with the processes used on Mainnet, and to verify the security and stability of your infrastructure with the new software.
  • Detecting vulnerabilities: Discover bugs in new software releases before they reach Mainnet.
  • Testing ground: Experiment with new infrastructure configurations in a low-risk environment.

The Baklava Testnet is designed for testing and experimentation by developers. Its tokens hold no real world economic value. The testnet software will be upgraded and the entirety of its data reset on a regular basis. This will erase your accounts, their balance and your transaction history. The testnet software will be upgraded on a regular basis. You may encounter bugs and limitations with the software and documentation.


Your use of the Baklava Testnet is subject to the Baklava Testnet Disclaimer.