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Fund your Project

Discover funding opportunities in the Celo ecosystem.

The Celo ecosystem offers a variety of funding mechanisms, with a strong focus on retroactive funding, rewarding impactful contributions after they’ve been made. Grants and sustainable revenue models are also available to support projects at different stages.

Explore these opportunities to maximize your funding potential.

Build Your Onchain Reputation

Establishing a strong onchain reputation increases your chances of securing retroactive funding.

Here’s how you can get started:

  1. Create a project profile on Karma GAP: Build credibility by showcasing your contributions and activity.

  2. Apply for monthly rewards with Proof of Ship Demonstrate consistent progress for automated retroactive rewards.

Apply for Grant Opportunities

There are various grant opportunities for builders in the Celo ecosystem, with funding available at different stages of your project. To maximize your chances of receiving rewards, include your Karma GAP project profile when applying.

  1. Prezenti Grants

  2. CPG Gitcoin Grants

  3. CPG Retroactive Funding

Ecosystem-Led Funding Opportunities

Expand your funding sources with ecosystem partner initiatives.

  1. Divvi: Automate gas fee revenue splits to fund your app.

  2. Commons Builder Income: Apply for CBI and earn daily rewards.

  3. GoodBuilders Program: A year-long initiative offering $220k in rewards for building with G$.

  4. Glo Dollar Liquidity Flywheel: Around 40,000willbedonatedtoCeloPublicGoods,thankstoa40,000 will be donated to Celo Public Goods, thanks to a 1M Glo Dollar (USDGLO) holding from Mento. Projects that increase Glo Dollar liquidity will receive more funding.

Accelerators/ Incubators

  1. Celo Camp: The ecosystem’s flagship accelerator that helps elevate projects to the next level.

  2. Celo Africa DAO Incubator: Supports projects by priming them for usage and adoption.


  1. Verda Ventures: Building for MiniPay & raising funding? Reach out to with a deck and product demo.

If you want to add another ecosystem-led funding program, edit this page to include it.

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