Celo Documentation
Build decentralized applications that create the conditions for prosperity — for everyone.
🚀 Get started with CeloGetting started
Get started with the basics of the Celo platform.
Connect to Celo and manage your funds with a wallet.
Find and use decentralized applications on the Celo Network.
Build and deploy decentralized applications on Celo.
Get started with Celo by setting up your developer environment.
Interact with the Celo protocol using a command line interface.
Extend your Celo DApps with Celo libraries and SDKs.
Bridge assets from other chains to and from Celo.
Core contract address proxies and implementations for the Celo network.
How to deploy smart contracts on the Celo network.
Checklist for applications building and integrating on Celo.
Support for digital asset exchanges or ranking sites.
Overview of Celo Mainnet, Alfajores Testnet, and Baklava Testnet.
Connect Celo to outside sources with an oracle.
Set up and run your own node on the Celo Network.
Connect to nodes and services in the Celo Ecosystem.
How to get a Validator node running on the Celo Mainnet.
Recommendations for running secure Celo nodes and services.
How the Celo Foundation allocates its votes to validator groups.