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Cel2 FAQ

Dango Testnet

How do I run a node or upgrade an existing node?

  • Celo L1 → Celo L2 Operator Guide and related assets:
  • Container images:
  • p2p peers:
    • op-geth bootnode/peers, to be used with op-geth --bootnodes flag:

    • op-node static peers, to be used with op-node --p2p.static flag:


Can I use an RPC endpoint?

Is there a faucet? Where? How do I get funds?


Is there an explorer?

Blockscout Explorer:

How can I use the native bridge?

Through the Superbridge UI: or

Dango and Alfajores Testnets

What’s the difference between Dango and Alfajores?

Alfajores is the first testnet of the Celo L1 blockchain, launched in July 2019. For more details, refer to the Alfajores Testnet documentation.

Dango is the first testnet of the Celo L2 blockchain, launched in July 2024. It implements the specifications detailed in Cel2 Specification while preserving the original Alfajores history and state. For more details, refer to L1→L2 Migration Changes.

Dango diverged from Alfajores L1 at block 24940100.

I noticed you used the same chainID for Alfajores and Dango. Isn't that dangerous?

Good catch! Yes, we're using the same chain ID for both Alfajores and Dango. This means that transactions from one testnet can be executed on the other testnet as well. But as both networks are testnets, this is not a problem.

Are there any address changes between Alfajores and Dango?

No, all contracts stay at their place. For more information about the migration, see the migration docs.

Is there anything that used to work on Alfajores that doesn’t anymore?

See L1→L2 Migration Changes.

Celo L2 setup

How is the Celo L2 different to Optimism?

See Celo L2 Specification.

What are the costs for L1 data and how are they paid?

For the testnet L1 data fees are covered by us.

I saw EigenDA mentioned, is it used?

Yes! See EigenDA.

What's the block time?

The block period is two seconds.

What's the throughput?

The gas limit per block is 30 million. The Dango testnet has a throughput of 15M gas/s.

What happened to these features?