Migrating a Celo L1 node
This guide is designed to help Celo L1 node operators migrate their nodes to the Celo L2. Specifically, it describes how to run the migration tool in order to transform a pre-hardfork db snapshot into a format from which a Celo L2 node can full
If you want to run a fresh L2 node, you may skip to the node operator guide for instructions on how to snap
sync from an empty datadir.
If you would like to use full
sync but don't want to migrate your own pre-hardfork datadir, you can also download a migrated datadir from the links provided in the Network Config & Assets section. Note that migrated datadirs won't be available until after the hardfork. For minimal downtime, we recommend migrating your own data for the hardfork.
The terms L1 and pre-hardfork are used interchangeably to reference Celo before the L2 transition. L1 does not refer to Ethereum in this document.
Migration Overview
Migrating a pre-hardfork datadir involves these high-level steps:
- Upgrade your L1 node to the latest client release so it will stop producing blocks at the hardfork.
- 1-2 days before the hardfork, stop your node and run a pre-migration to migrate the majority of data. This is not required, but is highly recommended for minimizing downtime. See Preparing for the L2 migration.
- Restart your node and wait for the hardfork.
- Shut down your node once the hardfork block number is reached.
- Run the migration tool to migrate your L1 datadir and produce the hardfork block.
- Launch your L2 node with the migrated datadir.
Important Notes
The migration tool can be run multiple times as the L1 chain data grows and will continue migrating from where it last left off.
All migrations writing to a given destination datadir must use the same node's source datadir. That is, you should not run the pre-migration with a db snapshot from node A and then run the full migration with a db snapshot from node B.
Your node must be stopped before the migration tool is run, even once it has reached the hardfork.
You should not attempt to migrate archive node data, only full node data.
While the pre-migration can be run multiple times and will get faster each time, you should avoid running the full migration more than once as it will be slower the second time.
Before the hardfork
There are some important steps node operators should take ahead of the L2 hardfork. These include upgrading to the latest client release so that the L1 network will stop producing blocks at the hardfork, and running a pre-migration 1-2 days before the hardfork. If you have not yet read the Preparing for the L2 migration page, please do so before continuing.
Running the migration
It is not recommended to migrate from an L1 archive datadir.
If you only have an L1 archive node, we recommend syncing an L1 full node in preparation for the Mainnet migration. You can still run an L2 archive node after migrating from an L1 full node datadir. See Running a Celo archive node for more.
We have sometimes encountered the following problem when migrating an L1 datadir.
We were able to resolve it by starting up the celo-blockchain client with the same datadir, waiting for the node to fully start, and then shutting it down again.
Alternatively you can open a local console with the celo-blockchain client
(geth console --datadir <datadir>
), wait for the console to load, and then
exit the console. This ensures that all components have loaded before
shutdown is attempted.
It seems that this issue is caused by the celo-blockchain client sometimes shutting down in an inconsistent state, which is repaired upon the next startup.
CRIT [03-19|10:38:17.229] error in celo-migrate err="failed to run full migration: failed to get head header: failed to open database at \"/datadir/celo/chaindata\" err: failed to open leveldb: EOF"
The full migration process consists of a pre-migration followed by some additional finalization steps, such as building the first L2 block. The pre-migration step will always run during a full migration, but will be significantly faster if a pre-migration has already been performed. See Preparing for the L2 migration for instructions on running a pre-migration 1-2 days ahead of the hardfork.
Once the hardfork block number is reached, we recommend node operators migrate using celo-l2-node-docker-compose. Alternatively, the migration tool can be run from source.
Hardware requirements
Make sure you have enough storage to accomodate 2x the pre-hardfork chaindata. Chaindata size can vary, so please double check your node.
We recommend using local storage for the source and destination datadirs.
16GB+ RAM recommended
Run migration with docker
To simplify migrating and running L2 nodes, Celo has created the celo-l2-node-docker-compose repo with all the necessary configuration files and docker compose templates. You can use it to migrate your L1 node as follows.
Run a pre-migration 1-2 days before the hardfork. It may take 3 or more hours to migrate during the hardfork otherwise. See Preparing for the L2 migration for instructions.
Once the hardfork block number is reached, stop your L1 node.
Pull the latest version of celo-l2-node-docker-compose and
into the root of the project.git clone https://github.com/celo-org/celo-l2-node-docker-compose.git
cd celo-l2-node-docker-compose -
Run the full migration command, where
is one ofalfajores
, ormainnet
.warningPlease ensure your node is stopped before running the migration tool.
./migrate full <network> <path-to-your-L1-datadir> [<l2_destination_datadir>]
If a destination datadir is specified, ensure that
is updated to match when you start your node.
Run migration from source
If you'd prefer not to use Docker, you can run the migration script directly from source:
Run a pre-migration 1-2 days before the hardfork. It may take 3 or more hours to migrate during the hardfork otherwise. See Preparing for the L2 migration for instructions.
Once the hardfork block number is reached, stop your L1 node.
Checkout and build the migration script
git clone https://github.com/celo-org/optimism.git
cd optimism/op-chain-ops
make celo-migrate -
Run the full migration
- Mainnet
- Testnets
go run ./cmd/celo-migrate full \
--deploy-config <path-to-deploy-config.json> \
--l1-deployments <path-to-l1-deployments.json> \
--l1-rpc <L1-RPC-URL> \
--l2-allocs <path-to-l2-allocs.json> \
--outfile.rollup-config <path-to-output-rollup-config.json> \
--outfile.genesis <path-to-output-genesis.json> \
--migration-block-number <MIGRATION_BLOCK_NUMBER> \
--old-db <path-to-your-L1-datadir>/celo/chaindata \
--new-db <path-to-your-L2-destination-datadir>/geth/chaindata \
Note the L1-beacon-RPC-URL must support querying historical finality_checkpoints
. We are using https://ethereum-beacon-api.publicnode.com in celo-l2-node-docker-compose.
You can check support for historical finality_checkpoints
by retrieving some suitably old finality_checkpoints, for example slot 5000000.
curl https://ethereum-beacon-api.publicnode.com/eth/v1/beacon/states/5000000/finality_checkpoints | jq
go run ./cmd/celo-migrate full \
--deploy-config <path-to-deploy-config.json> \
--l1-deployments <path-to-l1-deployments.json> \
--l1-rpc <L1-RPC-URL> \
--l2-allocs <path-to-l2-allocs.json> \
--outfile.rollup-config <path-to-output-rollup-config.json> \
--outfile.genesis <path-to-output-genesis.json> \
--migration-block-number <MIGRATION_BLOCK_NUMBER> \
--old-db <path-to-your-L1-datadir>/celo/chaindata \
--new-db <path-to-your-L2-destination-datadir>/geth/chaindata
You can find the required input artifacts posted in the Network config & Assets section once they're available.
We recommend using the celo-l2-node-docker-compose codebase as an additional reference for running the migration from source.
The full migration process will take at least 5 minutes to complete for mainnet, assuming most data has been pre-migrated. If no pre-migration was performed it could take several hours.
Congrats! Your datadir is now ready to use with a Celo L2 node. See Running a Celo Node for instructions on how to start your Celo L2 node.
If you encounter difficulties during the migration that are not covered below, please reach out to our team. You can also checkout the celo-l2-node-docker-compose
README and the celo-migrate
README for more information on how the migration tooling works.
Missing Data / DB continuity check failures
Both the pre
and full
migration commands will first run a script to check whether the source db provided has any gaps in data. This check may fail with an error indicating that data is missing from your source db.
To resolve this:
- Try re-running the migration with a different source datadir if available.
- We will post a full pre-hardfork database snapshot in the Network config & Assets section shortly after the hardfork, but we recommend having your own backup datadir available as well.
- Ensure the datadir is fully synced to just before the hardfork block.
To check if a db has gaps, you can simply re-run the migration command which will automatically perform the check each time.
If needed, you can also run the check-db
script on its own as follows.
Check out and build the latest version of the script in celo optimism monorepo.
git clone https://github.com/celo-org/optimism
cd optimism/op-chain-ops
make celo-migrate -
Run the script
go run ./cmd/celo-migrate check-db --db-path <path-to-your-L1-datadir> [--fail-fast]
This command takes in an optional
flag that will make it exit at the first gap detected like it does when run via celo-l2-node-docker-compose. If the--fail-fast
flag is not provided then the script will collect all the gaps it finds and print them out at the end.