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Ngrok Setup

When builidng dApps for MiniPay locally, you want to test the dApp inside MiniPay wallet on your phone.

But since the dApp is running locally, you cannot simply visit localhost on your phone to open the dApp on your phone.

To solve this, we use ngrok.

ngrok allows us to share our localhost by providing us with a temporary web url that can be used on any device!

Installing Ngrok

  1. Visit

  1. Sign up

sign up ngrok

  1. The dashboard will have instructions based on your OS on how to install and use ngrok!


  1. Once installed you can use the following command to share your localhost port.
> ngrok http [PORT]

The output looks something like this.

ngrok output

You can use the highlighted url to launch the localhost dApp on the MiniPay's Site Tester.