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Celo’s architecture is a multi-layered system that includes a Layer 2 blockchain, core smart contracts, user applications, and a dynamic network topology, all optimized for scalability, security, and ease of use.

Introduction to the Celo Stack

The Celo stack consists of three main components that work together to deliver a seamless blockchain experience:

Celo Blockchain

The Celo blockchain operates as a Layer 2 (L2) solution using the OP Stack, with distinct layers for optimal performance and security:

  • Execution Layer: EVM-compatible, allowing easy deployment of Ethereum smart contracts.
  • Data Availability Layer: Utilizes EigenDA to ensure transaction data is accessible and cost-efficient.
  • Settlement Layer: Leverages Ethereum to finalize transactions, benefiting from its security.

Celo Core Contracts

Celo Core Contracts are essential smart contracts on the Celo blockchain, managed through decentralized governance. Key contracts include:

  • Attestations: Links users' phone numbers to their blockchain addresses for secure identity verification and Social Connect features.
  • Governance: Allows community voting on protocol upgrades and changes.
  • StableToken (e.g., cUSD, cEUR): Manages native stablecoin issuance and stability for seamless transactions.
  • Exchange: Facilitates asset trading and liquidity within the Celo ecosystem.
  • SortedOracles: Provides external data, like price feeds, critical for stability and DeFi applications.
  • Validators: Manages validator operations and network security.


The Application Layer connects users directly to the blockchain. Developers can build user-friendly applications that are secure, transparent, and decentralized by utilizing Celo’s blockchain.

Our Network Topology

The Celo network topology consists of various nodes running the Celo blockchain software in different configurations to support the decentralized infrastructure of the network.


Sequencers replace the traditional validator role in the L2 architecture. They are responsible for:

  • Gathering transactions from other nodes
  • Executing associated smart contracts to form new blocks
  • Submitting these blocks to the Ethereum L1 for final settlement

Sequencers operate on a faster 2-second block time, improving transaction speed and throughput.

Full Nodes

Full nodes in the Celo L2 network serve multiple important functions:

  • Relaying transactions and responding to queries from light clients
  • Maintaining a copy of the L2 blockchain state
  • Interacting with Ethereum L1 to read and verify L2 block data
  • Optionally running an Ethereum node or using a third-party Ethereum node service

Full nodes can join or leave the network at any time, providing a decentralized infrastructure for the network.

Light Clients

Light clients, such as those running on mobile apps with limited data, continue to play a crucial role:

  • Connecting to full nodes to request account and transaction data
  • Signing and submitting new transactions
  • Operating without maintaining a full copy of the blockchain state

Light clients benefit from the improved speed and lower costs of the L2 architecture while maintaining a similar user experience.

Data Availability Layer

Celo L2 incorporates EigenDA as its Data Availability (DA) layer:

  • Ensures transaction data remains accessible and cost-efficient
  • Operates separately from the execution and settlement layers
  • Contributes to lower transaction costs and improved scalability